Åbning af Containerakademiet


We’re celebrating the opening of Containerakademiet in Nordhavn, and you’re all invited!

It’s on 17 May, and the celebrations begin at 3.00PM – with openings speeches, artistic program, food, drinks, and music.

So, save the date and stay tuned to know more!

About Containerakademiet
Containerakademiet is a new studio and work community in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn for professional visual artists. A place that aims to secure more studio spaces for visual artists in the capital and at the same time form the framework for conversations and discussions between professional artists and others.

Containerakademiet is initiated by sculptor and professor Bjørn Nørgaard and developed and built in collaboration with By & Havn and Unionkul/Klaus Kastbjerg.

Architect is Arcgency, engineer is Erik Pedersen, and contractor is WR Enterprise.

The project is supported by the A.P. Møller Foundation, Det Obelske Familiefond and the Augustinus Foundation. AHC manages the studio spaces and takes care of the day-to-day operations as well as the artistic program of exhibitions and other events.

Kilde: Art Hub Copenhagen

© Photographs and videos may not be used for commercial purposes, unless you have a copyright license with Bjørn Nørgaard and the listed photographers